Tuesday Talkback: When you lost the patient.

Jumping off of yesterday's topic - here's today's Tuesday Talkback discussion topic - when did you know you lost the patient?

Is there any script or concept that you've developed, written, rewritten, and rewritten again until there came a time where you eventually had to accept that you'd done everything you could with it and there was no saving it? How long did it take? How many drafts did you go through? How many people did you show it to? Did you try radical rewrites to salvage the idea?

Most of all - did you learn something? In all of those rewrites, did you stumble across an idea that you later put to use in another script? Did seeing why this story wasn't working teach you anything about how to make future stories work?

I can understand people not wanting to give out too many details of story concepts they've worked on, but please feel free to share the experience of writing.