Tuesday Talkback: Brand names and franchises

Two weeks ago, Scott at Go Into The Story tipped his readers off to this LA Times article about how studio films are increasingly brand-driven, to the point that filmmakers are not only looking to adapt more TV shows ala Transformers and G.I. Joe, but also Battleship. As I think I've ranted about before, Viewmaster, Candyland, and Monopoly are also among the board games being readied for the big screen, with big names like Ridley Scott at the helm.

So today's Tuesday Talkback topic is: what existing property would you like to revive, re-adapt, or re-invent for the big or small screen?

For me, I'd love to revive ALF. His furry little face has been absent from the small screen for too long. I'd put him in a single-camera sitcom like Scrubs or Arrested Development and surround him with a new cast of characters. Put Bill Lawrence or Chuck Lorre at the helm and it can't miss.

HA! I kill me!