Friday Free-for-All: Happy Anniversary to me!

Today marks the one-year anniversary of this blog, and I just want to thank everyone who's been coming here for the past year for all their support and participation via comments and emails.

When I started this blog a year ago, I knew it would take a few months for it to really find an audience and I just hoped that I'd have enough interesting things to say until that point arrived. A year later I'm really enjoying it and have found that working on this blog has been a welcome motivator for my own writing. I've also met several great people through it, and it's probably made me a better writer as well.

There are several people who deserve thanks:

First, thanks to Amanda the Aspiring TV Writer for being the first major screenwriting blogger to link to my site when it was just a few weeks old. That definitely helped land me on some people's radars.

I also owe Dan Callahan a great deal of thanks for doing that five part interview with me last June. Dan and I mostly know each other through mutual friends, and though we chat now and then, I see him about once a year. Since, it's not like we're best buddies, it was insanely cool of him to give me as much time as he did, and to be as blunt as he was in that interview, especially considering my audience was so small at the time. It gave me some interesting content to publicize the site with and within a few weeks of that interview I noticed that my daily hits shot up from about between 50-100 a day to at least 300 a day and climbing.

Scott Myers over at Go into the Story featured an interview with me soon after this, and my numbers spiked again by about 200 hits a day. Being discovered by Scott's posters also seems to have had the benefit of bringing over some of my more active commenters and that's kept the site lively at times. Checking the archives, you can really see how many more people began commenting regularly around July. I can always tell when Scott's referred his reader's to one of my posts because my hits seem to double.

I've also gotten some very nice emails and Tweets from creative types who I not only respect, but look up to as well.

And thanks again to all of you who come here every day. You are not unappreciated.

So it's been a good year. I didn't start any feuds with Nikki Finke, and I despite my best efforts I haven't been re-tweeted by Wil Wheaton, but at least that gives me something to shoot for next year.