Tuesday Talkback - Retitle Classic Films in the style of the Black List

The Black List has become known for outrageous titles along the lines of F**kbuddies, and I Want to F*** Your Sister. Often, the brash titles like those can help the film stick in the mind of a reader or a development executive, even if that catchy title is going to be homogenized by the time the film sees release. Case in point, F**kbuddies was retitled something so bland that I had to look it up to remember it was released as No Strings Attached.

So as a fun exercise, why not retitle classic films in the crass style of The Black List? See if you can recognize these classics and no-so-classics.

I Will Become My Mother Even if it Kills You

Escape of the Face and Liver-Eater

My Mom Has the Hots for Me

I Want to F*** My Daughter's Classmate

Eddie Murphy and Four of his Favorite Co-Stars

Naked Kate Winslet Comes Before Sinking Seamen are Swallowed Up

Dead People Have Issues Too

Everyone in LA is Racist

Fat Guy Fall Down (Kevin James attached)

I had some for Rain Man and Forrest Gump that were SO wrong, but so Black List-y, but I imagine I'd have gotten some sternly written emails over them... and probably a call from my mother.

Let's see you guys get creative.