Tuesday Talkback: Cancel this show! Cancel One Tree Hill!

It's that time of year where network executives are looking at their new pilots and deciding what to pick up - as well as what to drop from their current slate. If you could cancel one show, what would it be?

I'd love to cancel Law & Order: Special Victims Unit because despite a brief period from seasons 2-5 where it wasn't terrible, it's pretty much gotten steadily worse each year. The writing is some of the worst on TV and the main characters have descended into unlikable parodies of each other. I watch to see Richard Belzer, Ice-T, and Stephanie March, but Ice is the only one of the three who isn't a part timer. I'd say it's time to take this dog out back and shoot it, but for the fact that it's one of NBC's highest rated dramas.

How the hell that happens when the mothership Law & Order has had some of its strongest writing in a long time during these last three seasons, I'll never understand.

So since that show is bulletproof, let me nominate One Tree Hill. A show that's dedication to terrible writing has in no way impeded its addictiveness. This show has survived more deaths that Rasputin, as it has closed every season since 2006 as a "bubble show" - with cancellation a near certainty.

And god help, me I've watched every season. Don't worry - I'm not part of the problem. It's not ratings that have saved this show from the brink each year so much as the fan campaigns. Teenyboopers who actually think this show is good have saved it from cancellation. In 2006, Everwood died for OTH's survival. The following year it was Veronica Mars' turn. Now, it's the main show that stands in Life Unexpected's way.

One Tree Hill has had seven seasons and has lost two of the four most important characters. It's time to put it out to pasture and let the two or three talented actors associated with this show find better work.